Goodbye 2009 and hello 2010
Well…tomorrow is 2010. The end of 2009 was horrible so even though nothing is actually changing, I feel better that a new year is about to start. First I'll brush up on what happened this year. Then I'll let you in on my plans for this year. Warning: there is RL stuff in this blog. :)
Spring Semester
In January I decided that I knew what I wanted to do. I desperately wanted to be an anthropologist. Here's the problem. My parents will only pay for this crappy college that has no degree even close to anthropology. It was decided that I would graduate with a General Studies degree and then work my way into a grad program for Anthropology.
Also in the Spring semester, I signed up for classes that I thought would be moderately easy. Every single class I signed up for had a research paper. Stressed, my asthma began to get worse. I finished the semester with decent grades, not high enough for me...but decent. I also fell in love with and dated off and on a priest with similar interests.
I dropped my computer while moving and had to buy a new HD. In the process of this, the room I was staying in flooded. By some miracle, none of my things were harmed.
I also started getting into raiding. At the end of Naxx, I was one of the best geared hunters on the server but I wasn't happy. I had more fun on my draenei Discipline priest dressed in blues and ilvl 200 epics. Before Ulduar, it was decided that I would switch to a priest full time in my Horde guild. A few officers offered to help me level.
Nymarie was born in March of 09 and was 80 in less than a month. On her first day of 80, she was in Ulduar with 6 epics (mostly crafted and BoE stuff from the gbank).
Summer Semesters
I went right into the summer semesters with a week's break. I became more and more depressed with my degree plan and realized that I would be no better off with a degree in nothing. I sluggishly finished the already paid for summer sessions. I came to the conclusion that I would be a college dropout before the Fall semester and began to look for a job.
Sometime in July, a black runt of a kitten was born in a trash pile near Hwy 90.
Towards the end of Ulduar, I was kicked from my guild because of a spat between officers that I somehow was the cause of. Feeling that I was losing nothing because of the way I had been treated, I began my search for the perfect guild. I applied to several, was whispered every day due to my lack of a guild tag and did a lot of research. I found one that I liked and applied. Elitist had only one holy priest and no disc priests. I was happily accepted and almost immediately treated like family. My first Yogg kill was with this guild and I began to feel at home.
My job searching began! With this proclamation of WOOT! I began my job as an office coordinator at a hospice.
While pushing over a burn pile with a backhoe, my friend's dad found a little half-starved, dehydrated and overheated kitten. My friend sat with her in the air conditioning in his truck. With no strength other than the strength to loudly protest her situation, she glared at the large man holding her. Forcing her to swallow KMR and Nutrical, I nursed her back to health. Finding her facedown asleep in her bowl of mixed kitten food and milk was one of my happiest moments with her. She had the will to survive! She was named Little Nym and swiftly became my best friend.
ToC came out and I started my blog. I also started to read Paolo's. My first post has been deleted and has been slowly going through quite a bit of construction. My next post Twin Val'kyr and Hard Mode FL down! was my first description of a raid and a new boss. That same week I made the post Hard Mode XT Down. I voiced my frustration with Blizzard's lag fail.
Searching for a new home and trying desperately to keep my sickly kitten alive.
Several accomplishments in ToC and ToGC! Nym was proud of her ability to "permafrost". Here I met Perfectalpha. Onyxia down. Heroic Illumination. And Tips for Healing 10 ToGC as Discipline. We also downed Yogg +3.
In October, I turned 21 and celebrated by getting drunk with my mother and doing algebra with two very cute drunk guys. During this time Little Nym begins to develop a headstrong personality.
We went back and downed 3D. A few weeks later we had ToGC25 NrB and Jaraxxus down. I also finally killed Anub in ToGC10. In October I met Miss Medicina!
I found and moved into my new apartment, completely separating myself from my parents. My kitten began to get stronger and run around the apartment, climbing and sliding with her newfound strength. She also starts to develop a teenage attitude.
We cleared ToGC25 Faction Champions. Here is where I met Sushi-cookie. I discovered Vuhdo! We downed ToGC25 Twin Val'kyrs.
December was a horrible month RL wise. I had a ton of trouble when I moved in with the electric company and dsl company. I lost several friends. I had a terrible breakup with the aforementioned priest. I now have trust issues and have become a bit more cynical. I have to thank several friends for bringing me back from my wallowing and keeping me from going crazy or offing myself. I made some new friends and got away from the forums.
I did not raid for two weeks and got behind on dkp and gear. I came back to my blog after a small hiatus and wrote about the new ICC wing. I met Sinespe this month. I voiced my frustration with the non-randomness that is the random heroic.
That was my year in a nutshell, RL and WoW.
For 2010
I'd like to get back in shape. Like I was when I was dancing alot.
I hope to save quite a bit of money for what I call my Anthropology fund.
I plan to teach my kitten not to play so roughly! Orphan kittens have trouble learning this.
I also plan to decorate my new apartment and make it more mine.
I hope to accept the date offer and not let my fear of trust take over.
Get my druid to 80!
Help my friend get his first toon to 80 and get his best friend into playing.
I hope to not be so haughty when dealing with stupidity in pugs.
Help my guildies more!
In Miss Medicina style, my proudest moments of 2009?
Watching a tiny black kitten scale the couch in my living room. The same kitten that a few months before had been too weak to even suckle on a bottle.
Finding Elitist, my family and home.
Goodbye 2009 and hello 2010. Let's make this a good year, shall we? :)
Spring Semester
In January I decided that I knew what I wanted to do. I desperately wanted to be an anthropologist. Here's the problem. My parents will only pay for this crappy college that has no degree even close to anthropology. It was decided that I would graduate with a General Studies degree and then work my way into a grad program for Anthropology.
Also in the Spring semester, I signed up for classes that I thought would be moderately easy. Every single class I signed up for had a research paper. Stressed, my asthma began to get worse. I finished the semester with decent grades, not high enough for me...but decent. I also fell in love with and dated off and on a priest with similar interests.
I dropped my computer while moving and had to buy a new HD. In the process of this, the room I was staying in flooded. By some miracle, none of my things were harmed.
I also started getting into raiding. At the end of Naxx, I was one of the best geared hunters on the server but I wasn't happy. I had more fun on my draenei Discipline priest dressed in blues and ilvl 200 epics. Before Ulduar, it was decided that I would switch to a priest full time in my Horde guild. A few officers offered to help me level.
Nymarie was born in March of 09 and was 80 in less than a month. On her first day of 80, she was in Ulduar with 6 epics (mostly crafted and BoE stuff from the gbank).
Summer Semesters
I went right into the summer semesters with a week's break. I became more and more depressed with my degree plan and realized that I would be no better off with a degree in nothing. I sluggishly finished the already paid for summer sessions. I came to the conclusion that I would be a college dropout before the Fall semester and began to look for a job.
Sometime in July, a black runt of a kitten was born in a trash pile near Hwy 90.
Towards the end of Ulduar, I was kicked from my guild because of a spat between officers that I somehow was the cause of. Feeling that I was losing nothing because of the way I had been treated, I began my search for the perfect guild. I applied to several, was whispered every day due to my lack of a guild tag and did a lot of research. I found one that I liked and applied. Elitist had only one holy priest and no disc priests. I was happily accepted and almost immediately treated like family. My first Yogg kill was with this guild and I began to feel at home.
My job searching began! With this proclamation of WOOT! I began my job as an office coordinator at a hospice.
While pushing over a burn pile with a backhoe, my friend's dad found a little half-starved, dehydrated and overheated kitten. My friend sat with her in the air conditioning in his truck. With no strength other than the strength to loudly protest her situation, she glared at the large man holding her. Forcing her to swallow KMR and Nutrical, I nursed her back to health. Finding her facedown asleep in her bowl of mixed kitten food and milk was one of my happiest moments with her. She had the will to survive! She was named Little Nym and swiftly became my best friend.
ToC came out and I started my blog. I also started to read Paolo's. My first post has been deleted and has been slowly going through quite a bit of construction. My next post Twin Val'kyr and Hard Mode FL down! was my first description of a raid and a new boss. That same week I made the post Hard Mode XT Down. I voiced my frustration with Blizzard's lag fail.
Searching for a new home and trying desperately to keep my sickly kitten alive.
Several accomplishments in ToC and ToGC! Nym was proud of her ability to "permafrost". Here I met Perfectalpha. Onyxia down. Heroic Illumination. And Tips for Healing 10 ToGC as Discipline. We also downed Yogg +3.
In October, I turned 21 and celebrated by getting drunk with my mother and doing algebra with two very cute drunk guys. During this time Little Nym begins to develop a headstrong personality.
We went back and downed 3D. A few weeks later we had ToGC25 NrB and Jaraxxus down. I also finally killed Anub in ToGC10. In October I met Miss Medicina!
I found and moved into my new apartment, completely separating myself from my parents. My kitten began to get stronger and run around the apartment, climbing and sliding with her newfound strength. She also starts to develop a teenage attitude.
We cleared ToGC25 Faction Champions. Here is where I met Sushi-cookie. I discovered Vuhdo! We downed ToGC25 Twin Val'kyrs.
December was a horrible month RL wise. I had a ton of trouble when I moved in with the electric company and dsl company. I lost several friends. I had a terrible breakup with the aforementioned priest. I now have trust issues and have become a bit more cynical. I have to thank several friends for bringing me back from my wallowing and keeping me from going crazy or offing myself. I made some new friends and got away from the forums.
I did not raid for two weeks and got behind on dkp and gear. I came back to my blog after a small hiatus and wrote about the new ICC wing. I met Sinespe this month. I voiced my frustration with the non-randomness that is the random heroic.
That was my year in a nutshell, RL and WoW.
For 2010
I'd like to get back in shape. Like I was when I was dancing alot.
I hope to save quite a bit of money for what I call my Anthropology fund.
I plan to teach my kitten not to play so roughly! Orphan kittens have trouble learning this.
I also plan to decorate my new apartment and make it more mine.
I hope to accept the date offer and not let my fear of trust take over.
Get my druid to 80!
Help my friend get his first toon to 80 and get his best friend into playing.
I hope to not be so haughty when dealing with stupidity in pugs.
Help my guildies more!
In Miss Medicina style, my proudest moments of 2009?
Watching a tiny black kitten scale the couch in my living room. The same kitten that a few months before had been too weak to even suckle on a bottle.
Finding Elitist, my family and home.
Goodbye 2009 and hello 2010. Let's make this a good year, shall we? :)