Nym Knows How to Permafrost

Anub'arak down! Fun fight. Or at least I think so. I'm also amused that both of my ideas of how the fight worked came to be true. When we finally did it the way I'd been suggesting, we killed him. The permafrost does NOT prevent Anub from burrowing. It only prevents the adds from burrowing. Also in Phase 2, you have to make him hit the permafrost. If he doesn't he'll just chase you around until he hits you, which is bad times. Phase 3 is fun as hell as a healer. Gotta keep everybody between 20-30% to prevent Anub from healing too much. When looking at the healing logs, I noticed that I healed this part way differently than I normally heal things. Flash heal was my top heal by about a mile. PoM and Penance were both pretty low. I didn't want to use heals I couldn't control and I didn't want to use big heals that would get the raid back up to full. That would mean that Anub would heal more.
I got a Trophy of the Crusade. I'll get my Tier piece today but I doubt I'll use it until I get a second piece for the 2 set bonus. I'll do some math later to figure out if the stat increase is worth losing the Tier 8 4 set bonus. I highly doubt it.
We attempted hard mode Northrend beasts. It didn't go too badly. We had some major problems though. The tank who was "leading" wanted us to use 4 tanks instead of 3. Bad times, too many tanks taking damage and diminishing returns killed us. No one stepped up to assign healers as most of us were uncertain of what we were doing. One tank might have been getting spammed while the others were dying. Another thing was we needed more dps. Less tanks and heals + a 25th (we lost our 25th to real life drama) would have solved this problem, but the "leader" wanted more tanks and heals. Also, the dps just tried to burn Gormok while ignoring the snobolds, another bad idea. The snobolds need to die because they almost incapacitate a healer or dps, both bad. Anyway, we've come to realize that you don't do it much differently than regular, just need to do it with one more tank and hard dps. Basically things just hit harder. One thing that we did notice is that the next phase doesn't wait for you to kill the Gormok. It starts after 2 minutes. So Gormok needs to die in 2 minutes. Fun times. Anyway, with a little more gear and organization, I think we'll have it.


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