Just to Clue Everyone In

It has been a stressful week.  First, I hate holidays.  I got to work Thanksgiving.  I was happy for that at least.

Let's not forget that traffic right now makes me slightly homicidal.

I signed my lease last Tuesday.  I attempted to get a hold of the electric company all day Tuesday and Wednesday.  I got the same message every time:  "Our system is currently down.  We have been told to tell all customers to call back in an hour."  The company was then closed for the holidays until Monday.  Yesterday was a hectic day at work since we were all trying to catch up from the holiday admissions/discharges.  I didn't have time to call and after work, my brain was fried.  I worked out a little, cleaned up and unpacked some boxes, made dinner and BAM out went my electricity.  Right after their damn office closed.  I called them this morning, got my account set up and was told they'd be out Thursday.  So...I get electricity on Thursday.

After calling the electric company, I started to wonder why my modem for my new dsl hadn't been delivered yet.  So I then called the dsl company.  "Oh it's already been delivered."  Huh?  The lady then read off my address, which was incorrect.  Oh dear.  So we redid everything and she resent my modem.  They will turn on my dsl Thursday.

Everything else has gone relatively smooth and I'm done dealing with address changes for now.  I swear everything that could have gone wrong went wrong.  I will not be raiding again until Thursday.  I'm starting to wonder how big a hit my dkp is taking right now.  Oh well.  RL comes first.  However stressful it may be.

I plan on spending my evenings at my parents and returning home just to sleep.  I won't be online much.  So <3 to all my lovely priest and healer friends and I'll talk to you guys at a later date.  Hopefully Thursday!


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