My Own Tier 10 Discussion

I have been spending a lot of time analyzing the Tier bonuses and BiS gear for Discipline from ICC25. Reading both Paolo and Sinespe's blogs have actually helped, even though they have differing views. In a typical raid (nowadays), I use mostly shields, ProM, Penances and a mixture of Flash and Greater heals. The amount of flash heals I use is usually pretty small. If I'm not being lazy (I mean c'mon I have to press SHIFT to cast Greater), I tend to stick to Greater if I feel the need to throw a raider a heal. Flash heals feel weak to me. Perhaps it's just my playstyle. Either way, I discovered that I would benefit more from the BiS gear (which is retardedly better than the Tier pieces) than from the Tier set bonuses.
The only Tier piece I see being one to get is the helm. It appears to be BiS for 264 gear. Last night, the trash shoulders dropped. Doing a quick comparison, I ranked them the highest of the 264 gear and bid on them. I won. :) So here they are in all their glory, gemmed with two Luminous Ametrines for that extra intellect that I've been needing.
Stiffened Corpse Shoulderpads

Another reason for not picking up Tier (this one is quite silly but it's semi valid) is that once heroic ICC is available, I will be replacing gear that I spent about fifty billion emblems to get. Seems kinda silly, ne? I know it's a dumb reason, but that's how my mind works.
Anyways, my reasoning may not be perfect but my decision is to choose my gear by stats.  I advise everybody to check out the two opposing views posted above and decide for yourself!


Sinespe said...

I'm now tempted to bring the discussion here.

Just to keep it moving.


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