Good Job Forum QQers!

Okay, so it wasn't your standard QQ.  But seriously, there was a lot of it.  Some of the posts I read had the most amazing arguments.  Unfortunately, I'm sure Blizzard employees did not sit down and read all these fantastic arguments and debate back and forth on each one.  I'm sure it wasn't the impressiveness of a clear and concise argument, but the sheer numbers of those opposed.
Anyway, on to my point, those of you who actually do stop by and read my rants/thoughts/advice (thank you!), you may think that Blizzard does not listen.  You may think that no matter how much feedback you give, you, yourself, will never change anything about a Blizzard decision.  However, that's not entirely true.  It's hard for Blizzard to listen to every single well thought out suggestion, but a suggestion backed by thousands of voices?  Possibly.  Next time you want to speak out against or for something, remember the impact of the average player during this little battle.

/steps off the soapbox

WoW updates
Moving on!  I seriously need to keep up with this.  As of Tuesday of this week, I am 9/12 25 ICC heroic.  ICC 10 I won't even comment on, because it's all mix matched.  I think I'm something like 8/12 (Princes is retardedly hard in 10 man) and 5/12 for the drake.  Something like that...

Shadow has become my main spec.  I've gotten a bit addicted to dpsing and find it to be good times.  Holy is my off spec, which I will find myself using less and less as we pick up some solid healers (I mean, ones that SHOW UP FOR RAID).  Sorry, I dislike those who don't give it their all but expect raid invites when they do happen to log on.  No, gtfo.  Disc is a thing of the past, for now.  We have a pretty solid Disc priest raider, and as we all know, having more than one is a bad idea.

The death knight tank is sitting on the back burner for the time being.  I bring her out for alt guild runs, which are rare.  My frustration at being turned down for every ICC 10 because I'm a tank with a gearscore of 5300 has become too much for me to enjoy playing her.

My hunter took my death knight's place as my first alt.  So much fun to play!  Nymarl of Nathrezim if anyone's curious.  Feel free to insult her gear.  I'm coming back to huntering and when I was actually a hunter, I was BM, because it was still the cool thing to do.

I will try to keep up with this as I continue to raid.  I'll post more stories and screenshots of us in raid.  We have a good time while we progress!

RL Updates (Like anybody gives a shit)
My boyfriend and I will be moving in November!  Into a larger, nicer apartment with some friends of ours.

This crazy kitten has actually begun to gain weight!  She might no longer be underweight.  She has also gained a friend (and part time lover....eww) by the name of Kon.  A huge black short hair tomcat.  Besides spending the first day hissing and running from each other, they now eat, play and sleep together, typically if they don't think we're watching.  They're quite an amusing couple.  Little Nym, the intrepid troublemaker.  Playful and loving but sometimes with the attitude of a grounded teenager.  And the larger Kon, the typical uninterested tomcat.  However, he becomes interested when he thinks it might eat him.  He's terrified of anything larger than him, excluding Chris and I, unless we're being loud and rambunctious.  The only thing Little Nym fears is the vacuum cleaner.  But she swears to me, in quite a loud voice, that that vacuum cleaner is going to eat her.


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