"Dead Dead Dead!"

Well, the new ICC wing came out yesterday. It makes the first four bosses look like easy mode heroics. My guild did not down any of them. However, it was a fantastic raid. We blew through the first four bosses. The Abacus did not drop again. How typical. I’ve been saving dkp for that bloody thing. But I did get one of my “wishlist” items. The ring from the Gunship battle. I gemmed it with the basic 23 spell power.

We then moved on to Festergut. There was a new version of Frogger directly after Saurfang. I wasn’t paying attention and when I was ported in, I took a step forward and died. It’s a fairly simple Frogger, just have to avoid the icy blasts that come out of the walls. They are very slow. The trash before Festergut was interesting, definitely keeping things alive. First you fight a Val’kyr that flies down and attacks you. Then two abominations that will do their little chain grip. You have to be careful or they will grip you into more enemies. A few more basic trash pulls and you come across Festergut’s puppies. One named Stinky and one named Precious. Needless to say Precious was not at all precious. The two puppies are basically the children of Gluth from Naxxramas. They both do a decimate. Stinky sends out rows of painful gas and Precious summons ghouls to eat and regain health. Precious must be kited around the room. After killing a few more geists, we were in Festergut’s room.


This is definitely a new sort of boss. Forgive me if I don’t completely understand it, I have not been able to get on tankspot to look it up so I was just following orders last night. Basically, you need two tanks. These tanks must switch before 10 stacks of one debuff or they will explode. We didn’t test this so I’m not sure whether it just kills the tank or hurts the melee as well. The tanks will also get another stacking debuff increasing their damage taken as the fight goes on. (This is incorrect.  See the edit below.) We discovered that spammy heals aren’t enough. Healers and tanks need to be rotating cooldowns. After fixing our cooldown rotation, we got to the enrage every time with both tanks alive. Thursday, we just need every raider to focus on staying alive. The ranged must be spread out 10 yards apart around the room. Festergut will send out a debuff that causes the raider to vomit, which means they are incapacitated for a few seconds. This debuff will hit anybody within a ten yards range of its target. He also sends out spores into the raid. Each spore will land on a raider’s head. Every single raider must be near a spore when they explode. He does this three times. Every raider must have three stacks of the buff from these spores when he does his aoe or they will not survive. After he does his aoe, he starts the spore-spore-spore-aoe rotation all over again. He’s on a five minute enrage timer, which makes the fight very difficult. I think the best way to do this fight is with 6 healers and 2 tanks. We’ll see what we’re going to do on Thursday.

Even though we didn’t down any of the new bosses, last night was a good raid. Everyone was in a cheery mood, excited to see new content. We all worked together, giving advice to each other and thinking up solutions to the different problems that Festergut presented. This is one of the reasons I truly love my guild. I left the raid in a good mood even having wiped on Festergut for almost two hours. I know we’ll get him Thursday and I’m sure I’ll get to kill him in a 10 man tonight. The 10 man tonight will also give us more experience with him and possibly more ideas and options.

Perhaps it’s not an accident that ever since last Tuesday, I’ve gotten Oculus only twice. Perhaps they hotfixed something. Perhaps they knew something was wrong. Whatever they did, I’m pleased with it. If I continue to get heroics other than Oculus, I will go back to doing Oculus whenever I get it.

We downed Festergut on Thursday night.  A few things I got wrong.  First, Festergut doesn't put a debuff on the tanks that increases their damage taken.  He gets bigger, which increases his melee damage.  We also noticed that the best plan for the healers was to stand in the melee so that they did not have to vomit.


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