I'm back!

Yeah....I'm back.  I've been posting on the priest forums, so I figured I'd start back up here.  I don't hard core raid anymore, so I'll just blog about things I learn, whether it be about the priest class, certain achievements or WoW in general.  So what's Nym doing now?

I've moved to the server Hyjal with some RL friends.  And somehow...I became the guild leader of a small 10 man raiding guild.  Though we're having trouble with a consistent tank healer.  I have become the "dps with a heals offspec".  So I'm Shadow as much as I am Disc.  I have both specs' 4 piece set bonuses.

My baby Death Knight has become a badass little tank.  She completed Storming the Citadel (10 player) this past week.  Tanked the whole thing with no messups.  ^_^

Started a little Ret/Holy paladin on Hyjal.  I will learn to heal with every class!

I got exalted with the Sha'tari Skyguard.  Awesome looking Nether rays for the win!  I'll post a SS later.

We did some old raids.  Got some badass old gear.

Though I had to dps next to some naked mages.  -_-

The strangest things seem to happen in our raids.  o_O

I really need to get some sleep so I can't blog much more tonight!  More updates and screenshots to come!


Sinespe said...

Welcome back. I've started playing my Forsaken again; I, too, am in a small 10-man team. Well, at the minute it's a 6-man team with some PuGs filling the numbers whenever we want to raid -- and we'll recruit people from the PuGs whom we think are any good.

Good to see you posting again.

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