Everything's going so well!


I jump into the first 25 man raid I get to go on with this guild and everything decides to hate me.
We pull trash.  Some new trial pulls two different groups and we wipe.  ON TRASH.  WITH A 20% BUFF.

We get to Marrowgar.  Something odd happened....and we wipe.  Wtf?

We approach Lady Deathwhisper.  I decide it will be fun to spill coke on my keyboard.  My b and p fall in love and I cannot type one without the other appearing somehow.  Then, completely random, my mouse dies.  So I think, I'll tab target this fight.  Ha.  My tab button becomes spacebar and I can't target anything.  I attempt to restart my computer and don't make it back in time.  I miss the emblems from LDW and the quest reward.

We start the Saurfang fight.  Suddenly, everyone's lagging.  Then BOOM! server crash.  I mean really?

Now I'm sitting here staring at the "Logging in to game server" screen while the majority of the raid is already logged back in.

Okay, Fates, whatever it was that I did to piss you off, you think I've paid for it enough now?


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